Tuesday 13 May 2014

duck shooting starts with a bang

duck shooting season

New Zealand duck shooting started on Saturday lots of people in NZ went out for mallard and grey duck the duck shooting season this year will last until the end of may while pheasant and quail and other game bird species have a longer season until July and August. This year people are uncertain about the number and condition of  ducks due to dry summer most of New Zealand has had. Hunters must have a valid license and police check hunters throughout the duck shooting season.


  1. Hi Harrison sounds cool did you go duck hunting if so how much did you get?

  2. Hi Harrison my name is Ryan from otautau school i'm your new blogging buddy I like your post about duck shooting I went on sunday but not on saturday wasn't aloud to did you go duck shooting if so how much you get we got 150 this year last year got 200 i'm looking forward to blogging with you p.s. I like your backround

  3. no because it has been raining allot on the weekends but we got 2 ducks last year on the last day and I might be going this weekend if its fine.

    1. oh thats a shame at least you got something


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